Munay-Ki Practitioner Certificate

MAY 2025

Sacred Initiations into the
10 Munay-Ki Rites

3 DAY Live-In Retreat will be held
in Heathcote, Victoria
in a unique Octagonal Sacred Space

Should you choose, you will be able to offer these Rites to others after a period of integration and deep connection.
After some deep integration and inner guidance, you will also be able to facilitate the Munay-Ki Practitioner/Facilitator Certificate Program.

Become the new

Are you a Star Seed, Light Worker and/or Earth Keeper who is Soul-inspired to evolve to your highest timeline according to your Divine Blueprint in this life?

  • Are you ready to -

  • * Upgrade your Luminous Energy Field and your DNA
    * Complete lifetimes of evolution Now
    * Receive Life changing Initiations
    * Step deeply into your wisdom and power
    * Be in service to your Self and Humanity
    * Say ‘YES’ to profound guidance
    * Embrace your Luminosity

Then receiving these powerful MUNAY-KI Rites is for YOU.



The Ancient Americans prophesized a new human form- Homo Luminous -who will have power and the wisdom to use that power for light.

The Munay-Ki Rites are a series of 10 shamanic initiations, downloads of codes for the evolution of our Luminous Energy Field and our DNA, so we can take a massive leap and complete lifetimes of evolution in one!

These Rites have to be experienced to comprehend their life changing initiations. They are profound and felt at a deep level within all your bodies as you remember that YOU ARE BORN TO SHINE and to radiate this light in the world. These Rites will tap you into your gifts and abilities and activate these in deep and profound ways.

The Munay-Ki Rites awaken your LUMINOUS Human

Become a Munay-Ki Rites
Practitioner & Facilitator

The Munay-Ki are the Rites of the Shaman’s Path of the Q’ero nation, the descendants of the Incka, the indigenous people of the holy mountains of the Andes in Peru. Traditionally one must spend many years in sacred study before and between receiving these Initiatory Rites. The Elders believe that we are at a critical juncture in human history and that these Rites need to be transmitted to as many people as possible.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet - one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki Rites are the codes for the new human. They are energetic transmissions which once received offer you the possibility of stepping into your LUMINOUS HUMAN, the Light of who you truly are.

The Munay-Ki Rites consist of 10 powerful Rites

Healer Rite: Connects you to a lineage of Earth Keepers from the past that come and assist you in your personal healing and transformation. Awakens the healing power in your hands so that everyone you touch is blessed.

Bands of Power: Consists of five energetic bands (or belts) that are woven into your luminous energy field. They represent earth, air, fire, water and pure light (spirit)

Harmony Rite: Receive the transmission of the 7 archetypes into your chakras. The first chakra connects with serpent energy; the second with the jaguar/puma; the third with the hummingbird; fourth with the eagle/condor; fifth with the energy of Huascar Inka - the keeper of the lower (unconscious) world; the sixth with Quetzalcotal - the feather Serpent God of the Americas and the keeper of the middle (waking) world and the seventh is Pachakuti - the protector of the upper (super-conscious) world and keeper of the ‘time of now’.

Seer Rite: This awakens the “inner seer”. It opens your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and spirit.

Day Keeper Rite: Connect with the Masters of the ancient stone altars found in sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. This initiation begins the process of healing your inner feminine and helps you to step beyond fear and practice peace.

Wisdom Keeper Rite: Helps you heal your inner masculine. Supports you to step outside of time and become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity.

Earth Keeper Rite: Connects you to a lineage of archangels that are guardians of our galaxy. It helps you to learn the ways of the Seer and to dream the world into being.

Star Keeper Rite: According to lore, when you receive this Rite, your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo luminous (light in physical form). The aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed and you become resistant to diseases you were once vulnerable to.

Creator Rite: known also as the Taitanchis Rite which literally means “God”. You awaken the God/Creator light within you and bring forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the Universe.

Rite of the Womb: Releases women and men, intergenerationally from suffering and pain and to create and give birth to life. This Rite was a gift given by the Lineage of women from the Jungle Medicine of the Amazon to Marcela Lobos in 2002

Munay-Ki Practitioner/Facilitator Certificate

WHEN: MAY, 2025 (3 Days) Dates to be finalised

WHERE: Heathcote, Victoria

INVESTMENT: $550 AUD (incl Program Manual)
Payment Plans available on request

(Please note there is an additional cash payment of $30 for your Pi Stone and individually woven macrame necklace - payable on Day 1)

This Retreat is a live-in one. Accommodation and meal options are extra to the Investment for the 3 Day Retreat Program and will be payable direct to the Accommodation provider.. Details will be available on a Discovery Call.

Held over 3 days, the Munay-Ki Rites Certificate Program is comprised of over 20 hours of content including initiation into the 10 Munay-Ki Rites, printed Course material and transmissions of Light. These Sacred Andean Rites will be offered in a Sacred Space where you will be held in the highest frequency of love. Kiri brings her own unique gifts to this Program through Ceremony, Light Language Activations and channeled wisdom.

You will receive a Certificate on completion.

Once you have completed this Course and you have integrated the 7 Archetypes, you are encouraged to offer these Rites to as many people as possible. You will also be able to teach the Rites when you feel integrated and are guided to do so. Please note that not all Practitioners choose to teach the Rites; many choose to undertake this Certificate as part of their personal evolution and this is perfect.

Kiri is available to support you in the integration period as well as helping you in your first stages as a Practitioner and then Teacher. There will be one further day for review and integration in late 2025. This is not included in the price for this Program. Kiri will also hold annual gatherings for Practitioners to deepen practices and share wisdom.

To Register your Interest or to have a free 20 minute chat with Kiri, please click REGISTER , fill in your details and email to Kiri. You will receive a return email or text message within 48 hours.

Meet your Facilitator

Kiri Brennan - Light Weaver

Kiri received the Munay-Ki Rites Practitioner/Teacher Certificate in 2008 from Victoria Webby who was the first person in Australia to receive these Rites. . Since then she has offered these Rites to individuals and groups in both Queensland, NSW and Victoria.

Kiri has been facilitating her unique Soul expansive Programs since the late 1990s, particularly in the area of Sound, Light and Vibration. Kiri is a Light Weaver, Channel, Activator & Visionary Artist.

Kiri weaves her Offerings with the powerful frequencies of Light, Sound, Sacred Geometries, Fractals and the Elements. She supports people to HEAL and to SHINE remembering their unique gifts and luminosity. She is also a Facilitator of individual and group Soul Journeys based on Quantum & Universal Consciousness Experiences.

You are supported to REMEMBER you are the CREATOR of your life and YOU ARE BORN TO SHINE!